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Professional Tournament Angler

Gaining Angler Exposure

Posted by admin on April 19, 2019

How do you get exposure as an angler? What are the steps you need to take? Do you know? Are you sure what you know is the correct path to take?

Let me dive in and scratch the surface and get a tiny bit personal. All I've ever wanted to be was a professional angler. Well not entirely true. There were quite a few years I had my sights set on other things. One common thread though is that I always want to be the best at whatever it is I am doing and pursuing. I know I am good at bass fishing and that I have a real chance to make it as a professional angler. So what though. I do not have the financial means to buy my way to the top. I have to find a way to make this a reality.

I can not simply fork over tens of thousands of dollars that it takes to go fish a tournament circuit professionally. Fishing is expensive. Fishing tournaments is even more expensive. So then how can I gain the exposure needed to make myself visible to my sponsors and to other potential sponsors? How can I get the funding I need to fish a tournament trail?

Well, social media is one avenue. But how do you make the effort you put into social media effective? A website is another avenue. How do you make that site effective? What about reaching out to local businesses? They have to know who you are already or you have to have something to sell them on. That something being yourself. 

Getting a paid title sponsorship may be the goal but it is not the goal. The goal is putting yourself out there and getting recognized. How do you become recognized?

Recently I worked with a company called Black Diamond PR. The company analyzed what I have been doing in the past. They then spoke with me for 20 or so minutes to get an idea of who they are working with. After that they put together a very extensive plan of attack for me to gain more exposure. I received a well thought out written plan and a lengthy consultation. Getting this really opened my eyes to what I need to be doing and now that I have a plan I can take action. A lot of changes are coming in the near future.

If you are pursuing professional angling like I am and do not necessarily have all the means to just buy your way in I highly recommend you look into making an investment in yourself and take a step forward in this game. I personally look forward to working with Black Diamond PR on this journey of mine. I figure if I build it, it will happen. You have to build that foundation first and in time good things will happen. Or maybe they are already happening.


